five-fold ministries

as we seek the fullness of what God has called us to, we turn to Paul’s writing for structure and guidance, what we call Five-Fold Ministry (APEST):

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13

As we pursue the whole measure of the fullness of Christ together, we at SCC distinguish five equipping leaders according to these five gifts of Christ in order that we may be lacking in nothing. Like streams flowing through a valley, these gifts are tended to by their respective leaders that all our ministries can drink of them and carry their water to areas of need. The leaders also champion each of these gifts, calling us upward into Christ and training others to practice in their giftedness.


strategic leadership for kingdom advancement

The apostolic function of the church is not to make a new church but to continue the work of Jesus Christ in expanding his One Church to otherwise unreached areas. Apostolic ministry is unique in that it must exhibit all the characteristics of the other four gifts, but with the specific focus on maintaining continuity with God’s gospel as it grows outward. 


Discerning the Voice of God

The prophetic function reminds us of what God has spoken, when it convicts, when it encourages, when it calls upward and outward, whenever and wherever he speaks. The prophetic function of the church is to keep us attentive to and accountable to God’s Word, that we neither add to or subtract from it, that we don’t veer to the right or to the left, and that we learn to be sheep who know the voice of the Shepherd who loves us. 


Joining the Great Search

As revealed in so much of Scripture, God is a God who finds lost things. The evangelical function of the church is to join God in finding the lost things he loves the most: people. By going well outside our walls, sharing the peace, the love, and the good news of Christ, and inviting back into the fold, our evangelists can’t help but give to those who need what we’ve already been given. 


Caring for the Soul of Another

The book of Acts describes an early church where none had any need and Jesus tells his disciples that they’ll be known by their love for one another. The shepherding function of the church is to attend to each of these things. Through the dark nights of the soul, through the times of fear and distress, when our needs seem more than we can bear alone, the Shepherds guide us through the valley to green pastures.


being a person of the word

It’s not vague spirituality by which we are saved, nor is it the words of anyone by which we have life. Jesus has the words of life and it is only by him we are saved. The teaching function of the church is to further and more deeply root us in Jesus Christ, his teaching, and the power of God therein. Teachers study diligently, test all things according to the scriptures, and clearly communicate the hope that we have and the life of freedom we get to live.